Meet Techloq

We’re changing Internet filters. For good.

Less than 1 minute to enable access
Less than 10 minutes to sign up and install
53 countries serviced

Our mission?

Super simple.
Keep you safe on the Internet— without slowing you down.

It’s what we’ve been doing since 2011

Understanding your needs.
Adapting your software.
Protecting our community.
“We place our customers at the center of everything we do…”
Ivan Hilton
Head of Client Operations

The Techloq Values

Propelling us forward, keeping us at the top
Put customers first, always.

Customers feel comfortable to get in touch, knowing that we will work hard and fast to resolve any issues that they encounter. And when their needs change, so does our roadmap. We listen, we strategize, and we deliver. Ultimately, it’s our customers who shape our product.

Be a kind and inclusive employer.

We trust our employees, we take their opinions on board, and we’re clear about our expectations. Our feedback is constructive and objective, and our employees feel empowered and important. We believe that employing people gives them opportunities, and we’re privileged to do that.

Think big.

We’re not just your same-old internet filter. We’re revolutionizing the world of internet filtering, ensuring that people can work fast but filtered, and remain productive but protected. We invest in filtering technology that is cutting-edge, and we pride ourselves on its highly customizable nature.

Adapt and advance.

Technology is constantly changing and so are our systems, products and ideas. We’re never complacent; we’ve got our finger on the pulse so that we can anticipate our customers’ needs. The one constant? Our reliability — we’re always here for our customers and that doesn't waver.